Philipsburg Brewing Company is proud to announce the latest in their baby brew series— Grown Ass Kölsch: A grown ass beer for grown ass folks. This Kölsch is crisp, with a dry finish, lemony aroma and doughy flavors. Band members of the Grown Ass Men got a run down of the whole brewing process, taking turns pouring, stirring and waiting for each component to work its magic. Brewer Brandon explained the malting and milling process for the grains, which will convert from starches to sugars during the lautering, sparging and boiling. Milled grain, water, hops and other flavorings, such as oats and chocolate for a dark stout, are boiled, then cooled. For the Grown Ass Beer, the brewers experimented with a longer boil than usual, using 100% Hallertau Mittelfrüh hops, which helped introduce new flavors to the final beer. For the fermentation stage, yeast is added, which utilizes the sugars created during the mash. Kölsch yeast was used for this brew, lending a nice doughy flavor. In the end, the beer is light, refreshing and highly drinkable. It might even make you move and groove like you’re listening to one of Ben and The Grown Ass Men’s fine country tunes. It will be released on Saturday, Aug. 5 at the Brewery’s Springs location, at 106 Brewery Rd. The Grown Ass Men will mark the occasion with a rockin’ good time from 5-8 p.m.
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