Dear Whole Flower Hops,
We love you! We know you can be more expensive and definitely more time consuming to work with but we are willing to look past your minor flaws for the unmatched quality you bring to each and every brew. The benefits will always outweigh the alternative options like pellets and oils. Yes, oils and pellets are more affordable (ahem, cheaper) less messy (read: considered easier), and take up less space (we don’t have a counter-argument to that one). That’s why other brewers love pellets and oils. They seem like a simple choice. But simple and easy isn’t always best. We won’t settle for less than the best, even if some space, time, and money must be compromised. Ah yes, like all good fairy tales, compromises are made for unconditional love. Because you, whole flower hops, are in your truest form (aside from being fresh/wet hops), we find we get the best expression of each hop variety. When you are left alone after blooming and not converted into an oil or a pellet, we see the best potential for a truly quality brew. Isn’t that one of the deepest desires of human and plant: to remain in their most original, true form? We could go on forever but just know this: for the last seven, nearly eight years, we’ve been committed to you, whole flower hops, in every single beer we make. We choose you, we continue to choose you; every single day, for the rest of our brews. We even printed it on all of our packaging, so we really hope you feel the same way… Love, PBC